A Psychotherapy Practice
in the D.C. Metro Area
Our Approach
At Lisa Kays PLLC the way we practice psychotherapy, it is not something done to you or for you. We work with you to explore, examine and evaluate your story, your present and your future anew. The way we work is designed to help you know your story, yourself and what you want and need from a grounded, authentic, and fully informed place within yourself. From here, you will find that you are able to form deeper, more authentic connections and relationships with others, or to improve the relationships that you currently have, be they with a partner, friends, your family of origin, or work.
Our Offerings
“Psychotherapy, as I practice it, is a journey. It is a process, an exploration, a lighting up of paths not before seen.”
Our Team
Lisa Kays
Tess Garber
Work With Us
Often we become mentally or emotionally stuck on certain roads, with a few beliefs or ideas that are limiting and leave us feeling stuck and trapped. Psychotherapy lights up the sky and helps us see the true landscape of possibilities for ourselves more fully. If you feel stuck, trapped, dark, limited, lonely or scared, psychotherapy can be a path to a more open, connected, lighter, braver way of being.