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What If Nothing’s Wrong With You?
Have you ever wondered if therapists believe in and practice what they preach? The “What If Nothing’s Wrong With You?” podcast, hosted by psychotherapists Lisa Kays and Paula D. Atkinson, invites you into ongoing conversations that explore their own curiosities (and probably yours too) about the mental health industry, psychotherapy, freedom, and true sanity. While they do not claim to have all of the answers, they bring important topics to light with humility, humor, hope, and a dash of indignant rage. Tune in on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube.

Work With Us
Psychotherapy lights up the sky and helps us see the true landscape of possibilities for ourselves more fully. If you feel stuck, trapped, dark, limited, lonely or scared, psychotherapy can be a path to a more open, connected, lighter, braver way of being.