Individual Therapy
“I begin most therapy sessions with the question, ‘Where would you like to start?’ Some people answer this with a question. Some tell me how they are in the moment. Some tell me where they’d like to go. Some patients start crying. Any and all of this is just fine as a way to start.”
Beginning Anywhere
We begin most therapy sessions from wherever you would like to begin. As for where we’ll end up, we can’t and won’t pretend to know. As for how long it will take, we can’t and won’t pretend to know that either. As for how it will happen, we do have an idea about that, but, honestly, it might be the wrong idea for you. So we don’t ever pretend to know it all.
We treat every single one of our patients differently. Because no relationship between two different people can ever be the same. We do bring to the work the ability to be humorous and warm, as well as serious and tough. We also bring knowledge of the terrain you’re on, as we are fellow travelers. Perhaps we haven’t traveled your exact road, but we do know the journey of personal change. We won’t pretend otherwise.
Our therapeutic training and styles reflect a desire to form an authentic, open, genuine and real relationship with you. If we’re struggling to do so, we might tell you that, and that may help you see and eliminate barriers to your connections with others. When we are able to connect to and know you, we will let you know that, too, to encourage you to bring more of that to your relationships outside our practice.
What this will all look like we can’t know until we know you, and we won’t fully know you until we are done saying goodbye. Because through our work you will grow, and change, and let us know you more and more deeply as the work unfolds. We are not the kind of therapists who will sit quietly and nod, and we don’t take notes. With our team, you’ll feel like you’re having a normal conversation, a very powerful normal conversation. And it’s in those normal conversations that your growth will happen.

Work With Us
Psychotherapy lights up the sky and helps us see the true landscape of possibilities for ourselves more fully. If you feel stuck, trapped, dark, limited, lonely or scared, psychotherapy can be a path to a more open, connected, lighter, braver way of being.