What If Nothing’s Wrong With You?
Have you ever wondered if therapists believe in and practice what they preach?
Have you ever wondered about the roots, effectiveness, strengths, and perhaps pitfalls of psychotherapy? Do you have questions about why and how it’s become late stage capitalism’s stand-in answer for all that ails us? Have you had a harmful or painful experience in a therapeutic setting? Are you curious about how psychotherapy has systematically upheld misogyny, white supremacy, colonialism, capitalism, anti-fat bias, heteronormativity, victim-blaming, hustle, and competition culture (all of which are the causes of the majority of all suffering)?
The Podcast
The “What If Nothing’s Wrong With You?” podcast is a co-creation between two psychotherapists and esteemed colleagues, Lisa Kays and Paula D. Atkinson. Having been in the field for a long time, they started this podcast to invite you into ongoing conversations that explore their own curiosities (and probably yours too) about the mental health industry, psychotherapy, freedom, and true sanity. While Lisa and Paula do not claim to have all of the answers, they bring important topics to light with humility, humor, hope, and a dash of indignant rage.

Your Hosts
Lisa Kays is a psychotherapist in private practice serving Washington, D.C., Maryland, Virginia, and Oregon. Lisa works with adults to strengthen relationships whether it be with oneself, a partner, kids, work, a substance, family-of-origin, or the world. She works with individuals and couples, and is a seasoned group therapist with over a decade of experience witnessing the reality that while our individualistic society believes one-on-one therapy is superior, really group therapy is where it’s at: cheaper, more efficient, more healing, and yes, even more fun.
Paula D. Atkinson, LICSW
Paula D. Atkinson is a psychotherapist in private practice based in California. For over a decade, she has helped clients heal from depression and anxiety, relationship strife, self doubt, and the despair that results from living in a society that worships perfection, productivity, and restriction. Paula’s passion is working with those who suffer from years of dieting, disordered eating, food obsession, internalized weight stigma, and body hatred. Paula works with young people, adults, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, couples, and anyone hoping to get some freedom from that which does not resonate with them.
Tune In
Listen to all episodes of the “What If Nothing’s Wrong With You?” podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, and watch on YouTube.