Group Therapy
“A person isn’t who they are during the last conversation you had with them - they’re who they’ve been throughout your whole relationship.”
Going Further Together
With Individual Therapy, we can take you quite far. Not as far, though, as you can go with others. In a group.
An individual therapist, who at times serves in the role of parent, mentor, role model, guide, is an important and critical relationship. But life is full of other relationships. We are all siblings, children, friends, co-workers, lovers, partners, spouses, parents, mentors, and guides to others.
The work of deepening relationships depends upon deepening our understanding of ourselves, and our relationship to and experience of the full span of human experience, from love to rejection, competitiveness to insecurity, anger to lust, attraction to disgust, longing to irritability, loneliness to smothering, fitting in to our inner bully.
To get to know ourselves fully we must encounter a spectrum of other people, who love us, mirror us, and spar and engage with us on a deep, genuine, authentic level. We need people with no vested interest in the outcome of our choices — unlike our wives or children or parents — other than our well being, to explore who we really are, apart from who others may need us to be. We must love. We must fight. We must play. We must push back. We must laugh. We must cry. We must let in. We must let go. And we cannot do any of that alone. This is the work of group therapy.

Work With Us
Psychotherapy lights up the sky and helps us see the true landscape of possibilities for ourselves more fully. If you feel stuck, trapped, dark, limited, lonely or scared, psychotherapy can be a path to a more open, connected, lighter, braver way of being.