Presenting Associate

Our practice aims to provide clinical education and training for social workers and other mental health providers that challenge and push us beyond the common wisdom and traditional norms we often learn about in our formal education and in mainstream training venues.


So many of the workshops we offer begin with a longing to learn something that no one else is teaching. Our Presenting Associates are leaders with clinical expertise – often earned through their own personal experiences, research, and work with patients – that offer viewpoints, evidence, and clinical wisdom that challenge stigma, shame, stereotypes, accepted cultural norms, and harmful attitudes and beliefs. Our presenters strive to make their workshops engaging, participatory, and encouraging of the personal reflection and growth of the practitioner. 

Our Program

As an approved Continuing Education Provider, Lisa Kays collaborates with presenters who want to offer workshops through Lisa Kays PLLC. Presenting Associates receive CE administration and maintenance support as well as additional marketing from Lisa Kays. It is our philosophy that presenters should be compensated fairly and generously for their talent, time, and offerings, and we work to create payment structures that reflect this.

Our Commitment To You

  • 80% or more of all revenue generated from your workshop

  • All administrative work related to obtaining, maintaining records for, and following up with Continuing Education credits

  • Templates and support with creating and developing workshops in accordance with Continuing Education credit requirements

  • Assistance with marketing for your workshop

  • Attendance to any training hosted by Lisa Kays PLLC

  • Physical space if/when it is safe to hold workshops in person

  • Payment as a 1099 contractor


Your Commitment To Us

  • Assisting with the marketing of your workshop

  • Allowing Presenting Associates and Clinical Associates of Lisa Kays PLLC to attend your workshop for free

  • Completing all templates and paperwork relevant to your workshop on time

  • Providing your own Zoom link for use during the workshop

  • Sending out your Zoom link, handouts, and other materials prior to your workshop

  • Collaborating with Lisa Kays and other Presenting Associates to determine pricing for your workshop and possibly bundle it at a reduced rate with other workshops hosted by Lisa Kays PLLC

  • Taking attendance at your workshop and reporting it to Lisa Kays PLLC

  • Taking evaluation feedback seriously and making changes and improvements as appropriate


Our Presenting Associates Program came into being thanks to the foresight and collaboration of Lisa Kays and Michael Giordano, who were disheartened by the trainings offered to social workers to meet specific CE topic requirements. Lisa and Michael found the trainings to be very didactic with little room for discussion. It was also particularly difficult to find trainings tailored to the learning needs of individual clinicians as they looked to expand their knowledge base in public health, HIV/AIDS, and LGBTQ topic areas. In response to this, Lisa and Michael launched the Ethicstravaganza to develop and offer trainings in their own areas of interest. The trainings were an enormous success, with demand often exceeding capacity, and received rave reviews. Since then, Lisa and Michael have partnered to offer a wide variety of trainings in Washington, DC.

Our Program Facilitator


Trainings Offered:
Group Therapy, Improv, Ethics

Our Program Partner

Michael Giordano, LICSW

Trainings Offered:
LGBTQ, Kink, Polyamory, Ethics

Our Presenting Associates

  • Paula D. Atkinson, LICSW

    Trainings Offered:
    Body Justice for Professionals

  • Emily DeCarlo, LCSW

    Trainings Offered:
    Social Work Supervision

Offer the workshop you wish you could take.

What are you longing to learn? What do you know that you wish others knew too? Explore what’s possible as a Presenting Associate of Lisa Kays PLLC.